【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Adeptly understand what they want and need (2) 善解亲意-2
【The Varieties of Karma】- Adeptly understand what they want and need (2)
Do you remember when we are in the section on relying on the teachers, among the nine attitudes that were cited from the Array of Stalks sutra, what was the first attitude? Do you remember? Like a dutiful child, exactly. What is the attitude like of a dutiful child? It is talking about one's mind! On all occasions, it is not about how one feels, "I feel that it is this way." But it is about what the parents think. This point is particularly important for the modern-day people. Why is this especially important for the modern -day people? In this age where science has flourished, there is a great difference [in knowledge] in just a matter of years, a very great difference. That was how I used to think as well. When I see the young people now, ah, that type of attitude is even more evident! I used to feel that for my parents, since they lived in a different time, so they do not understand things now. But if you look around now, this attitude is even pronounced! There is no need to wait 20 to 30 years for people to be well- studied [to have this kind of attitude], but even in the elementary and middle schools, children will tell their parents, "This is too old-fashioned. It is out-dated. You do not know anything!" As if the child is the only one who knows. Therefore, in this mundane world, the wrong views are strengthened and the situation is becoming worse. There are more people who would reason with you than ever, yet everything in this world is becoming worse. The reason is right here.
60B 02’12” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P130 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P245
日常师父法语📡60B 02’12”手抄稿第8册P130 L8
业果 : 善解亲意-2