【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Body and mind are not separate from each other - 1 身心分不开-1
【The Varieties of Karma】- Body and mind are not separate from each other - 1
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60A 12’22” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P119 LL4
I was once sick with flu. When I was sick, there happened to be this person travelling with us on a pilgrimage to this particular mountain. Among the fellows in this pilgrimage, there was a pharmacist. He brought along medicines with him. So he said, what did he say? How did he say it? I seemed to have forgotten. It was something like, "One big pill and two small pills, drink more water and sleep more." He said these things. That was it. And that this was supposed to be a medicine shown to have great efficacy against the flu. At the time, I was so sick, ah, my nose kept running. Just like that. So he gave them to me and I took a few pills. That same day, they went out and I stayed behind. I took the pills and kept sleeping. Sure enough, by nightfall I was feeling fine. Ah, I thought I have never recovered from the flu that fast. So I really had faith [in the medicine]. After the pilgrimage, we returned to where we began. One time, by chance we started to talk about this. He said, what were the "one big pill and two small pills?" The small pills were Vitamin B and the big pill was Vitamin C. I was so surprised when I heard this! What? I said, "I take this every day. But when I took them, my flu (or cold) never recovered like that." But it was because of what he said that day and I really took it to heart. It was certainly that way, absolutely true, absolutely true! Therefore, there are many Buddhists now, they would claim that the mind...we should know that what the teaching truly explains is that the body and the mind are not separate from each other, they are not separate from each other.
60A 12’22” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P119 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P244
日常师父法语📡60A 12’22”手抄稿第8册P119 LL4
业果 : 身心分不开-1