【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 If you were to bring about a body and mind that are fully qualified, this would accelerate your cultivation of the path 暇满的人身当中的胜所依者
【The Varieties of Karma】- If you were to bring about a body and mind that are fully qualified, this would accelerate your cultivation of the path
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59B 04’52” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P95 L6
【It is certainly the case that you will acquire a good body and mind through giving up the ten non-virtuous actions. Nonetheless, if you were to bring about a body and mind that are fully qualified, this would accelerate your cultivation of the path as nothing else would. [189] Therefore, seek such a life.】
Ah, this says this for us. If you can stay away from the ten non-virtues and train in the ten virtues, it is true! You definitely can obtain this, "will acquire a good body and mind." This is the so called a human body of leisure and opportunity. However, among the bodies of leisure and opportunity, there are still differences. If we look at what is present, even among those who have obtained this human form, actually, to have leisure and opportunity, it means you are in Buddhism. However, there are many who are really intelligent and also have wisdom. There are many others who have intelligence, eh, but they have only a worldly intelligence and would out argue everyone else. Their intelligence harmed them. Though they may have had talent, they eventually walked down the wrong path. We do notneed to talk about those without good intelligence. There are many who have good intelligence, but bad health. There are many who not only have good intelligence, but also good health. So with everything, there is something different!
59B 04’52” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P95 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P243
日常师父法语📡59B 04’52”手抄稿第8册P95 L6
业果 : 暇满的人身当中的胜所依者
【谓由远离十种不善,虽定能获善妙所依,然若成一圆具德相,能修种智,胜所依者,修道进程,非余能比,故应成办如此所依。此中分三:①异熟功德、 ②异熟果报、③异熟因缘。】