【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 The effect of trustworthy words 信言圆满的功效
【The Varieties of Karma】- The effect of trustworthy words
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60A 02’14” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P114 L8
【5) The effect of trustworthy words is that through kind speech, purposeful behavior, and being one whose aims are the same as the disciples, you gather living beings and mature them. 】
These all depend on words! Your "trustworthy" words, that is whenever you speak, [you say what is] correct! Then it is good. Therefore, this is why from the beginning we should cultivate this. I have often suggested that everyone to refrain from speaking too much. There are many who just wish to open their mouths. If you decide to speak and what you say is correct, then it will be fine. However, one would [often] open his mouth and have no idea where his words would carry him. One type [of problem] could be that you are entirely missing the point. What would be the other type? That would be the time when one is not able to grasp the core intention and continues to quibble, to defend oneself with sophistry. These are all very terrible, very terrible. In general, what we should understand primarily is what action in the causal period would produce what specific efficacy in the effect period. The immediate benefit is what is described here. At present, because you have this qualification, thus others will accept you more readily. Therefore, it becomes easy to engage in "kind speech, purposeful behavior, and being one whose aims are
the same as the disciples."
60A 02’14” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P114 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P244
日常师父法语📡60A 02’14”手抄稿第8册P114 L8
业果 : 信言圆满的功效