【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Excellent body by way of its good colour and shape 形色圆满
【The Varieties of Karma】- Excellent body by way of its good colour and shape
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59B 19’08” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P102 L3
【Consummate color is having an excellent body by way of its good color and shape; being pleasant to look at because you do not have incomplete sensory faculties; and being beautiful due to being well-proportioned.】
This is to have an excellent body, an excellent body. For "shape" and "color", shape means the form is good. The color means it is pleasant to look at. There are many people who have very dark complexion and when others look, ah! It is like charcoal. When we normally look at this person...we are not speaking of the black people! You can just see. There are also people whose skin is just like that. In brief there are many others, if you....not only do they have good form, but their skin is very plush and smooth, like this. The "sensory faculties" must of course be complete. If missing an eye or the nose is flattened, or the ears are as such, then it would not work. Why? Because you need others to feel happy when they see you, feel happy when they see you. The most important function for the sensory faculties is for your own training. Other than this purpose, you will also need it to help others. When you try to get along with others, when people see you, they feel happy upon seeing you. Whether you are seeking teachings from others or you are helping others, this will generate a positive effect.
59B 19’08” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P102 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P243
日常师父法语📡59B 19’08” 手抄稿第8册P102 L3
业果 : 形色圆满