【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 Three fruitions to obtain a human body that has the perfect qualification 圆具一切德相的三种异熟
【The Varieties of Karma】- Three fruitions to obtain a human body that has the perfect qualification
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59B 08’52” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P96 LL1
What is the way to obtain a human body that has the perfect qualification for training in the teaching? This becomes something that we must especially understand. Therefore, this section tells us exactly this.
This is further divided into three parts: the attributes of the fruitions, the effects of the fruitions, and the causes of the fruitions. This says if you wish to obtain this type of a fruitional body, which is like our present medium, a human life of leisure and opportunity, what substance should it have? Another word for substance would be the attributes (good qualities). What type of, or what are the advantageous qualifications? This part describes the advantageous qualifications. Number two would be what are the effects of them? What functions would they produce? Number three would be if you wish to produce this consummate fruitional body, what are the causes and conditions? After understanding this, in a quest for such a body of leisure and opportunity, we will strive in this way in the causal period. Of course then you will certainly obtain the effect. This is the concept that we must first establish [in our minds].
59B 08’52” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P96 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P243
日常师父法语📡59B 08’52” 手抄稿第8册P96 LL1
业果 : 圆具一切德相的三种异熟