【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 Karma whose result you will definitely experience 顺定受的业
【The Varieties of Karma】- Karma whose result you will definitely experience
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59A 03’06” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P77 L5
【Karma whose result you will definitely or only possibly experience.
The Levels of Yogic Deeds:
Karma whose result you will definitely experience is that consciously done and accumulated. 】
This says that this type is one which you will have to receive, karma whose result you will definitely experience in the future. What type of karma is this? It is one that is "consciously done and accumulated." Conscious means the karma from reflection which is the mental karma. When your thoughts arise in your mind, in other words, it is the "compositional factors" of the [four aggregates of] feelings, discrimination, compositional factors, and consciousness. This is what we should understand. For instance, when you are thinking, when you are considering, "Um, this thing is good. How can I figure out some way of acquiring it?" "This thing is not good, so I need to find some way to get rid of it." This is the mental state. Consciously, and then, "done" and "accumulated". This is something you will definitely experience.
59A 03’06” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P77 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P240
日常师父法语📡59A 03’06” 手抄稿第8册P77 L5
业果 : 顺定受的业