【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】example of virtuous projecting karma and non-virtuous completing karma 善引业与恶满业的例子
【The Varieties of Karma】- example of virtuous projecting karma and non-virtuous completing karma
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58B 18’29” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P64 LL4
This states that when one is in the happy realms, even though his projecting karma would project him to a happy realm, but even in this happy realm...I'm sorry, he may not have limbs, may be blind and ugly, may have a short life span and may be poor. These are all terrible. Why is that so? It is because he had done non-virtuous karma. What is this type of non-virtuous karma? It is the completing karma. Therefore, though his projecting karma was virtuous, but his completing karma was non-virtuous. We have said this earlier regarding the root cause versus the completing cause. Does everyone remember this? Root cause is the projecting action. The completing cause determines whether things are consummate once you get there. Suppose your projecting karma, the root cause, is virtuous, then you are led to the virtuous realms. And you have also done virtuous karmas to bring consummate results. Then not only will you be born in the virtuous realms, you will have consummate resources and so on in this virtuous realm.
58B 18’29” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P64 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P239
日常师父法语📡58B 18’29”手抄稿第8册P64 LL4
业果 : 善引业与恶满业的例子