【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 Karma that is accumulated and not done 增长而非作的业
【The Varieties of Karma】- Karma that is accumulated and not done
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59A 18’19” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P85 LL1
Normally, we would spend most of our time being foolish and dumb. What do we do? We would chit chat or let our thoughts go wildly, thinking of things. What are all these? These are all "accumulated and not done." Whatever that is accumulated and not done, this becomes the type of karma that you will certainly experience. Make a note of this, make a note of this! This is the problem we most readily incur. Normally we would just sit there and think, "Um! How do I think about this, how do I think about that..." Even if you did not successfully accomplish it, you are already accumulating. If you become successful, there is no need to mention that! Therefore, there has been so many earlier examples...do you remember the story of the golden cat? He just offered three coins. Then he continued to accumulate, continued to be joyful, continued to think of how good it was and he obtained such great merits. Now what are we constantly thinking in our minds? If you just examine yourself a little then you will know. Thus, here, if we are cultivating, then when we feel that we seem to accord with attachment, oh! We know that we are wrong and we should get rid of it. If we seem to accord with hostility, it's wrong too! However, the most difficult one to remedy is the state of concordance with ignorance! Um, we would just go through the entire day muddle headed. And it would seem to us that we didn't do anything wrong! You must remedy this, you must remedy it!
59A 18’19” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P85 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P241
日常师父法语📡59A 18’19” 手抄稿第8册P85 LL1
业果 : 增长而非作的业