【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Regret & Eradication 懊悔&对治
【The Varieties of Karma】- Regret & Eradication
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59A 11’24” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P82 L1
What we can apply to our cultivation. Though you have done it, though you have accumulated the karma, but you "regret". You say, "Ah! How can I have done something like that? This is not right!" At this time then it will not accumulate. If this does not accumulate, then it becomes a karma you may not possibly experience. Also "those eradicated", this is the best. The sacred teaching tells us how to eradicate. That is though you have planted the seed, you treat it from the root of the sickness. To give you an analogy, for instance, if you have planted it, though you have planted it, eh, before it sprouts, you ruin it. Or perhaps though it has sprouted, you pulled it out. Then it will not be able to grow. This is called eradication. Therefore, for these two points, they are what we practitioners use to purify what we have done in the past. The reason we can (purify what we have done in the past) is because of these two points.
59A 11’24” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P82 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P241
日常师父法语📡59A 11’24” 手抄稿第8册P82 L1
业果 : 懊悔&对治