【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】The power of turning away from faults 防护力
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- The power of turning away from faults
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63B 13’27” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P245 L9
【3" The power of turning away from faults】
What is number three? It is the power of turning away from faults.
【The third power is actually restraining yourself from the ten nonvirtuous actions. In the Sun Essence Sutra, the Buddha said that this restraint destroys all karma, afflictions, and obscurations of the teaching created physically, verbally, or mentally by way of killing and the like. The third power eliminates bad actions that you have previously created yourself, caused others to create, or have rejoiced in others creating.】
There! This is to turn away, to turn away from all sins. To turn away here means to restrain oneself according to the teaching, to stop creating the nonvirtues like you have done in the past. The reasons as stated above, these are the principles. Next, the sutras are referenced to substantiate it. The sutras tell us, if you can turn away from these, then for all that you have previously created, caused others to create, or have rejoiced in others creating, for all the sins [you have done], all of them can be eliminated. "Destroy" means to destroy, to obliterate. How did the actions that you previously create and rejoice in others creating come about? You may have only done a mental karma or this mental karma had given rise to physical and verbal karmas. Your obscurations of the afflictions, of the teaching, of all your sins can be completely overcome.
63B 13’27” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P245 L9
English Lamrim Vol 1 P253
日常师父法语📡63B 13’27” 手抄稿第8册P245 L9
业果 : 防护力
【谓正静息十种不善,《日藏经》说,由此能摧所作一切自作, 教他,见作随喜,杀生等门, 三门业障,诸烦恼障及正法障。】