【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】The effects of stealing 不与取的果报
【The Varieties of Karma】- The effects of stealing
【The environmental effects of stealing are that you will have few fruits, the
fruits will not be perfect, will change, or will be partially spoiled. There will be
severe droughts or torrential downpours. The fruits will dry up or disappear.】
It is because you steal, because you steal, therefore the effects that will be issued
are these effects. You have harmed others by means of worldly materials, so then
the world will present itself with this type of situation. People nowadays are so pitiful.
Everyone is out to procure more materials. People would use all sorts of methods,
all sorts of deceptions. But the more the deceptions means the less the materials.
The more the deceptions means the less the materials!
57A 24’02” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P32 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P237
日常师父法语📡57A 24’02”手抄稿第8册P32 L8
业果 : 不与取的果报