BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【 The General Characteristic of Karma 业果】Ten virtues are the taproots and also (required to reach) the perfections  十善业是圆满因及根本因

【The General Characteristic of Karma】- Ten virtues are the taproots and also (required to reach) the perfections 

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52A 16’04” Vol 7 of Lamrim Commentary P113 LL6 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

What I have called virtues are the taproots of the 
perfections of all deities and humans. They are the 
taproots of the enlightenment of sravakas and 
pratyekabuddhas. They are the taproots of the 
unexcelled, perfect enlightenment. And what are 
these taproots? They are the ten virtuous actions. 

Speaking of “virtues,” what are virtues actually? They are the ten virtuous actions. Contrary to these would be the ten non-virtuous actions. “They are the taproots of the perfections of all deities and humans.” That means they are not only the taproots, but they are also [required to reach] the perfections. For us who are on the path of the small capacity, in order to be reborn as humans or as deities, these are not only the taproots but are also [needed to reach] the perfections. You must have them in order to be reborn in the realms of humans or deities. I need to explain more on the taproots and the perfections [of the deities and humans]. Once you have these (the ten virtuous actions), you can obtain a life as a human. However, will you be in a good predicament when you are a human? Though many people are reborn as humans, they must endure indescribable sufferings. That is the condition of lacking perfections, lacking perfections. 


52A 16’04” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P113 LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P217

日常师父法语📡52A 16’04” 手抄稿第7册P113 LL6

业果 : 十善业是圆满因及根本因

