BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】properly cast aside the non-virtuous karma and adopt the virtuous karma 从善恶业取舍

【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- properly cast aside the non-virtuous karma and adopt the virtuous karma

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50A 27’17” Vol 7 of Lamrim Commentary P50 LL1 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

For, unless you reflect at length on the two kinds of karma and their effects, and then properly cast aside the non-virtuous and adopt the virtuous, you will not stop the causes of miserable rebirths. Thus, you may fear the miserable realms and yet not be able to escape what you fear.

If suppose then, you do not strive to continuously reflect on this principle, and what principle is it? Know the two kinds of karma which are the virtuous and non-virtuous karma, and that from virtuous or non-virtuous karma, you will reap the fruits of happiness or sufferings respectively. Only when you understand this, can you then adopt and cast aside (what is virtuous and non-virtuous respectively) properly according to the teachings. If you do not make efforts to reflect at length, strive [at length], instead, (you are) muddleheaded and unclear, (you) will continue to dwell in the subjective aspects of afflictions. Under these circumstances, sorry, what are the causes that you are planting now? Afflictions and bad karma causes! Though you are afraid of suffering, sorry, you will not be freed from it! Thus what is most important is that you should really know how to fear sufferings, know how to seek for real happiness. So, we must live to be one with a promising future, yes, we are indeed afraid of sufferings! Yes, we do want happiness! So, then we need to find the causes of happiness and we must understand how to eliminate the causes of sufferings. By properly adopting and casting aside (what is virtuous and non-virtuous respectively), naturally, we will obtain all sorts [of happy effects].


50A 27’17” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P50 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P209

日常师父法语📡50A 27’17”手抄稿第7册P50 LL1

皈依 : 从善恶业取舍

