BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Genuinely accomplish the sublime and you will produce excellent fruit 行正而果美

【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- Genuinely accomplish the sublime and you will produce excellent fruit

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49A 24’02” Vol 7 of Lamrim Commentary P14 L3 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

You are counted among excellent persons, who genuinely accomplish the sublime. You are included among excellent persons.

Once you have gone for refuge, your conduct from now on, because you genuinely accomplish the sublime, the fruit which this will produce in the future will certainly be excellent and you will advance to be “counted among excellent persons.” Having relied on what is correct, this is what is true and unmistaken in the three worlds. Therefore, this is who we refer to as “those who are supremely virtuous.” Through refuge, you will be able to enter this circle.


49A 24’02” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P14 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P203

日常师父法语📡49A 24’02” 手抄稿第7册P14 L3

皈依 : 行正而果美

