BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】From taking refuge, we attain purity 由皈依获大清净

【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- From taking refuge, we attain purity

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49A 16’53” Vol 7 of Lamrim Commentary P10 LL2 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

The first one is the merits obtained when you go for refuge. That is our collection of merit. Based on this collection of merit, your virtuous roots can increase, you contemplate accordingly [to the Dharma], and when you act accordingly; if you can do this at many places, your mind will accord. What is a correct concordance? Ah! That is, you no longer concord with afflictions. Therefore, at this time, you will absolutely not create more bad karma and will increase virtuous karma. This is in the beginning where what you do falls within the boundary of ethical discipline. Under this circumstance, your mind will naturally achieve concordance with ethical discipline and be able to tame the coarse and fierce afflictions. You will obtain the coolness from clearing away afflictions and achieve a shallow form of joy in your mind. From this you can delve deeper into concentration and wisdom to obtain liberation. Therefore, with these four things, there is a definite order.


49A 16’53” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P10 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P203

日常师父法语📡49A 16’53” 手抄稿第7册P10 LL2

皈依 : 由皈依获大清净
