【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Six Attitudes of Offering (Part 2) 供养三宝的意乐2
【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- Six Attitudes of Offering (Part 2)
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48A 07’06” Vol 6 of Lamrim Commentary P255 L1
【(4) he is extremely rare, like an udumvara flower;】
The udumvara flower. According to legend, it appears once every thousand years. Therefore, this signifies such good quality, such great kindness, such preciousness, that is worthy and rare.
【(5) since only one buddha appears in a universe of three billion world systems, he is the only one; and】
Within the entire three realms, only the appearance of them, there are no others [as worthy as] the Three Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Once you have the Buddha Jewel, that is when the Dharma Jewel comes and then comes the Sangha Jewel. Of course, the community is not one person but the entire group.
【(6) he is the foundation of all mundane and supramundane good.】
This is because all the completeness and foundation of good things of the mundane world come from this.
This is the attitude for offering.
【I have written about these ten types of offerings and six attitudes as they appear in the Bodhisattva Levels.】
This excerpt was taken from the Bodhisattva Levels.
【You should always make the best offering you can. Make especially good offerings on auspicious occasions and holidays, to the best of your ability. 】
We should do offerings to the best of our ability but if there is a special occasion, then we should try even more to make excellent offerings.
48A 07’06” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P255 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P200
日常师父法语📡48A 07’06”手抄稿第6册P255 L1
皈依 : 供养三宝的意乐2