【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】In concordance with the Teachings 与法相应

【The Varieties of Karma】- In concordance with the Teachings

Therefore, normally we would always say, "Ah, there are Dharma protectors here!" It is true that they come to protect the teaching. But what does he protect? He protects the teaching! May I ask you then, do you concord with the teaching? Do you concord with the teaching or with afflictions? It is very simple. If you concord with the teachings, then he comes to protect you. If you do not concord with the teachings, can he protect you? Make a note of this. Therefore, normally, you need not have to worry. As long as you are willing to strive, they certainly will be here, they certainly will be here! For instance, like our senior abbot here, you should stay close to him, he... This is what I admire most about him. He is just like that, but you can not tell from the external appearance. As long as you are willing. We should not be saying, "I have not had any spiritual sense or intuition!" How can there not be spiritual intuition? It is only you who absolutely have not concord with the teachings yet. How would the spiritual intuition rise?


53B 08’59” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P170 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P224

日常师父法语📡53B 08’59” 手抄稿第7册P170 L8

业果 : 与法相应



【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】the remedy for covetousness 对治贪心


【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】do not overlook senseless speech 不要小看绮语