【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】The medicinal power of our food and such is weak 饮食等药,势力微劣


【Mindfulness of Death】- The medicinal power of our food and such is weak

Because this is a time when the five impurities are rapidly spreading, there are extremely few persons who accumulate the great power of virtuous deeds that enables a long life.

What is the current state of our present era? It is a time when the five impurities are rapidly spreading. Therefore most of the various karma we have created are damaging and those who can really practice virtuous deeds that enable a long life or accumulate the great-power karma is extremely few, extremely few! By great-power karma, we mean the karma that can increase our efficacy and enable a long life.

Also, since the medicinal power of our food and such is weak, we have little resistance to disease.

Even for food and drink, their effect is weakening and same for medicine etc. Therefore, we have little resistance to disease.


39B 27’54” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P237 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P156

日常师父法语📡39B 27’54”手抄稿第5册P237 L1

念死无常 : 饮食等药,势力微劣






【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】the power of these things (food and drink) is slowly diminishing 食物的力量在减退当中


【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】Life is like a water bubble in the strong winds 寿命如大风中的泡沫