【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】This life is constantly lost and there is nothing which can extend it. 此寿恒损减,亦无余可添
【Mindfulness of Death】- This life is constantly lost and there is nothing which can extend it.
【Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds:
This life is constantly lost
Day and night without a pause,
And there is nothing which can extend it.
Why should death not come to someone like me? 】
How can I not die? The above simply tells us, this is what we should truly contemplate upon.
【Contemplate this with many examples.】
Contemplate this with many examples. If you can reflect from different perspectives, this metaphor means using these immediate examples to concordantly contemplate. The following tells us,
【When weaving cloth, weavers use no more than one piece of thread on each pass, yet they quickly finish weaving the cloth.】
Just like weaving cloth, it seems like weavers use no more than one piece of thread on each pass, yet they quickly finish weaving the cloth. Or,
【When animals such as sheep are led to slaughter, they move closer to death with every step they take.】
When sheep are led to the slaughter house, we are similar to them. With every step we take, we are moving closer to death.
【The water carried by the current of a strong river or the water in a waterfall on a steep mountain quickly disappears. Just as in these examples, your life quickly spent and gone. Just as when herdsmen pick up their sticks, their livestock helplessly follow them home, so sickness and aging lead you helplessly into the presence of the Lord of Death.】
It is the same, we are also like that. We have no control over aging and sickness which will bring us to the presence of the Lord of Death. With regard to what was said earlier,
【In this way, meditate on the certainty of death from many perspectives.】
Meditate diligently. This is what we truly should be working hard on.
38B 22’06” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P198 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P150
日常师父法语📡38B 22’06”手抄稿第5册P198 L5
念死无常 : 此寿恒损减,亦无余可添