【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】four errors that impede the practice 修行时的四个颠倒


【Mindfulness of Death】- four errors that impede the practice

Now let us take a look: if we do not cultivate Mindfulness of Death, not cultivating Mindfulness of death, what are the faults and shortcoming?

As previously mentioned, there are four errors that impede your taking full advantage of your life: [Conceiving (1) the impure to be pure, (2) suffering to be happiness, (3) the impermanent to be permanent, and the selfless to have a self]. Initially, it is merely the conception of the impermanent to be permanent that is the avenue of much injury. This conception is twofold: coarse and subtle. Of these two, in the case of coarse impermanence,

Through the journey, we are very fortunate to encounter great virtuous teachers. After meeting the virtuous teachers, he understand that to actually practice, it requires external factors like relying on virtuous teachers and internal factors such as a life of leisure and opportunity. Now we have acquired a life of leisure and opportunity and we are about to practice. But when we are about to practice, there was an obstacle, there is an obstacle. What is that obstacle? These are the faults and errors. There are four of these errors. Among these four errors, what are the four? Conceiving the impermanent to be permanent, suffering to be happiness, selfless to have a self and the impure to be pure. At this point, he does not talk about the other three but touch first on permanence and impermanence. There is a reason behind. Everything has its sequence. The first is the most serious obstacle. After removing the first most serious obstacle, the rest will in turn be removed. It is as such.


37A 14’45” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P145 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P145

日常师父法语📡37A 14’45” 手抄稿第5册P145 L7

念死无常 : 修行时的四个颠倒





【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】The first obstacle for not being able to practice now 不修行的第一关障碍


【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】before we learn on mindfulness of death, let us contemplate on the faults of not cultivating it 未修念死之前,先思维胜利过患