【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】 These virtuous activities not to be mixed with causes of miserable rebirths. 】 不糅杂恶趣因的修法,难能可贵
【Mindfulness of Death】- These virtuous activities not to be mixed with causes of miserable rebirths. 】
【Moreover, since your practice will be involved with wrongdoing, sins, and infractions, it would be rare for these virtuous activities not to be mixed with causes of miserable rebirths. 】
Even during your practice, I’m sorry, you will be “involved with wrongdoing, sins, and infractions”, just like what was mentioned before. You will do and do but think of something else. The moment the mind is stirred, all the non-virtuous thoughts will be entangled. When the non-virtuous thoughts are involved, it becomes the cause for miserable realms. This is why it is difficult to obtain a human life, really difficult. If you do not examine it, it still feels fine. The moment you really examine, it’s absolutely true! Therefore, “it would be rare for these virtuous activities not to be mixed with cause of miserable rebirths”. Thus, engage in pure practice, this is extremely precious and rare. The reason lies in the fact that the concept of “impermanence” is not cultivated and being blinded by “permanence”. Therefore, “the error of conceiving the impermanence to be permanent” is the first and most serious gate of learning and practising the Dharma.
37A 25’49” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P151 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P145
日常师父法语📡37A 25’49” 手抄稿第5册P151 L6
念死无常 : 不糅杂恶趣因的修法,难能可贵