【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】what is the key to learning Buddhism 修行佛法的重要关键

【Reflecting on your Future Life】- what is the key to learning Buddhism

Therefore in every place, it will tell us this, what is the key to learning Buddhism? You will need to have a grasp of this – you must practice, and you must practice according to the teachings, to the principles and achieve the proper measurement! In order to practice according to the teachings, to the principles and achieve the proper measurement, you must find an excellent Teacher. In order to find an excellent Teacher, what qualities do you need? Remember this! It’s not that there aren’t excellent Teachers around, but whether we have an adequate measurement of concordance to be with an excellent Teacher. This is what’s most important. If you can do this, the rest of the problems will be resolved.

This has been stated numerous times before, you can see this everywhere in the scriptures, and we know this by now. Therefore, when we truly practice, the first thing to do is to purify ourselves! Let me read through this again, “Simply knowing about this without conditioning your mind to it, or only meditating on it for a little while, will not accomplish anything.” It’s not easy to hear this principle. Without virtuous roots from previous lives, without special virtuous karma, sorry, you will absolutely not be able to hear the scriptures, or Buddhism. Today you’ve heard it, and if you do not diligently practice, it would be such a waste, it would be too bad!


42A 05’35” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P39 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P173

日常师父法语📡42A 05’35” 手抄稿第6册P39 LL1

三恶趣苦 : 修行佛法的重要关键




【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】Error in happiness 乐颠倒


【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】you don’t condition your mind to it, it cannot be useful 没有修习,没有用