【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】experiment on ants – Part II 蚂蚁试验II

【Reflecting on your Future Life】- experiment on ants – Part II

When an ant is running around, “dong, dong ,dong”, there can be a few types of situations. One is that it is comfortably running around. Then when you put something in front of it, it will run to that thing. When the ant does run to the food, the ant will eat the food because that’s what the ant has been looking for. Thus the karma being manifested at that moment in the ant is looking for something to eat. When the ant sees it, the ant eats it. Another type of situation is if you tease the ant first. Once the ant is teased, eh, it will raise the two antennas and be ready to fight you. Then if you pushed it aside, it will run away in a hurry! At this time, what is manifesting in its mind? It is preparing to either escape or fight. Therefore, no matter how good the food is in front of the ant, as soon as it touches the food, the ant will immediately turn around and leave. Then when you try to block the ant [with the food], as soon as the ant sees the food, the ant will immediately turn around and leave. You can do this experiment yourself. There are always reasons for me to be telling you to do these experiments. Do learn well!

Then when you see ants [behave this way], you might in turn want to look at yourself.


41B 19’31” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P28 LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P172

日常师父法语📡41B 19’31”手抄稿第6册P28 LL6

三恶趣苦 : 蚂蚁试验II




【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】Displaying foolish demeanour due to the fruition of terrible karma 猛业成熟所愚蒙的行相


【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】Experiment on ants – Part 1 蚂蚁试验I