【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】If you do so, you will easily find the intent of the Conqueror 取而修习,乃能速得诸佛密意

【Mindfulness of Death】- If you do so, you will easily find the intent of the Conqueror

If you do so, you will easily find the intent of the Conqueror.

Then because you have adhered to the great scriptures and commentaries relating to this principle, put them into practice and understand them, you will then realize: Oh! After understanding what are the things I am in concordance with currently, what is current or what I should be diligent in future, I should further apply these during meditation. This is truly Buddha’s exact guidance for us. If you can do so accordingly, you will soon attain the essence of Buddha’s teachings.

Understand that you must proceed in this way in the context of the other teachings as well.

The earlier and later parts are all the same. Now at this juncture, we already understand that, oh! This life of leisure and opportunity is so difficult to obtain. After obtaining it, death comes about very quickly too! You will quickly die! After death, where does one go? This is a very important question! If there is nothing after death, then it is fine! After all there is nothing! But hey, sorry, this is not the case. There is something following that. At this stage, you will also need to understand it first. After understanding, when that time comes, what kind of preparations you need to make.


40B 28’11” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P270 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P160

日常师父法语📡40B 28’11”手抄稿第5册P270 L5

念死无常 : 取而修习,乃能速得诸佛密意






【Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】After death, you will be reborn


【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】Use the right understanding to examine our mind 拿正确的认识来检点自心