【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】Why is the great capacity also shared path? 为什么上士也是共道?
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- Why is the great capacity also shared path?
So the shared path that was mentioned earlier would have been considered the shared path at that time. The great capacity is also shared, why? The initial great capacity was unique in the Mahayana; however, both Sutrayana and Tantrayana practitioners must take this unshared great capacity. But Sutrayana only goes up to [the fulfillment of the shared great scope] and not further into the [Tantra practice]. So this part of [the great capacity in the Sutrayana] is also shared with Tantrayana practitioners. Only by reaching that level of Sutrayana practice then you are ready for Tantra practice. Why?
【because, when you do, you will quickly complete the two collections.】
Because when you enter the Tantra path, both blissful and wisdom merits can be quickly achieved. So the reason that Sutrayana takes up to two great eons, and Tantrayana makes it possible to become enlightened in one lifetime, this is where the actual concept lies. Once you have this precise and complete recognition, then you will not doubt it. Otherwise,you will definitely have doubts: well, we ordinary and confused people, by carelessly chantinga few mantras, how is achievement in one lifetime possible? Needless to say about this misconception in Sutrayana, even in Tantrayana there is no such expression, this we have to be clear.
35A 16’06”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P80 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P137
日常师父法语📡35A 16’06”手抄稿第5册P80 L5
道次引导 : 为什么上士也是共道?