【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】Expect to obtain laudable benefits 期望获到殊胜胜利


【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- Expect to obtain laudable benefits

Therefore, first you must train in the thought that is common to persons of small and medium capacities in order to develop a wish to attain the two benefits, high status [as a human or deity] and certain goodness [liberation or omniscience

So now that we have this understanding and the feeling is: “well, that is what I want!” Regardless of which of the two benefits [we want], upon recognizing the laudable advantage, of course, we expect to obtain it. To obtain it, we have to apply the practice accordingly, step by step. By then, what prerequisites do we need to have in the practice? The prerequisites are the small capacity and medium capacity, so it is known as the shared mentality of medium and small capacities. The “thought” is our inclination, the preferences in our minds. In other words, the power of preference will encourage us to move forward. This power of preference as a very wide range: you have this accurate recognition, and you are inspired to seek this path. And then you look for the method, wholeheartedly strive at it, all these mentalities are included within this thought.


34B 01’55”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P54 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P134

日常师父法语📡34B 01’55”手抄稿第5册P54 L5

道次引导 : 期望获到殊胜胜利




【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】 must develop the great compassion and love 此心根本大慈大悲


【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】examine your mind 观自相续