【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 修持轨理 - 未修中间】How to practice without sleeping at the wrong time (3) 悎寤瑜伽3
【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 】- How to practice without sleeping at the wrong time (3)
For us beginners to engage in “constantly sitting in meditation without lying down to sleep,” this is wrong. Once you have achieved a certain level, of course lying down to sleep is not needed, that would be the time for this practice. Strictly speaking, up to what point is normal sleep not needed? It is after the attainment of meditative serenity. Because of meditative serenity, which is after meditative equipoise has been achieved, both the body and mind are transformed. Once your four elements have transformed to concord with the object of meditation, you won’t need to sleep. For us beginners, if we are to force it, then the mistake will always be there. What mistake? You are just learning the appearance [of the practice], just like an embroidered pillow – the inside looks messy! This is the point. However, the Zen center requires [continuous sitting], and they have their reasoning. In a serious Zen center, they have their specific reasons.
26B 02’31” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P63 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P107
日常师父法语📡26B 02’31”手抄稿第4册P63 L4
修持轨理 - 未修中间 : 悎寤瑜伽3
我们现在刚开始学不倒单,这是一个错误。你修到了某一个程度的时候,自然不要倒,那个时候才可以。正规地说,到什么时候才是不要的﹖得了定以后。因为定,那个是根本定了以后,身心都转化了。那个你的四大转化了以后,跟这个境界相应的时候,你不要睡。我们现在刚开始,硬来的话,始终犯了这个,什么毛病啊?你学那个样子,绣花枕头一个,里边啊,是不堪一看! 这个,就是在这地方。不过呢禅堂里边要这样去做,它有它的理由的。真正的禅堂里面是有它特殊的理由的。