【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法】 what is ‘determine’? 什么叫做“决定”?

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【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 】- what is ‘determine’?

There is a great deal to learn about this ‘determine’. This is not the same as ‘today we have heard and understood’. This does not indicate ‘determine’. No determination has been made at all! This is because when you actually practice, the crucial point is when you are practicing. As you hear this now, you understand, but after you understand and go home, if this is still vague to you, then it is futile! This will mainly be explained much later.

So what is considered as “determine”? This means when you sit down to recite the Buddha’s name, there is nothing that can sway you. I think we all have had this type of experience, where we are fine when the environment is calm. However, when the afflictions come, we are unable to stop them. Why? The main purpose of the Buddha’s name is to remedy afflictions. The root of cyclic existence is afflictions. The Buddha’s name is to help us escape from cyclic existence. May I ask you then, if you are unable to stop your afflictions with the recitation of the Buddha’s name, then is it useful? If you are determined, of what was said earlier, then when afflictions come, you will bring these things to mind and vanquish the afflictions immediately. So the ancient sages said that this was like putting a Vajra-King Jeweled sword in your hand, “When the Buddha comes, smash him. When the demons come, beat him away.” Why? That is, you are determined and no matter what comes your way, nothing can sway you. With regards to the connotations of the Buddha and the demons here, you should understand it from the perspective of the broad definition. This would mean for something that is attractive and which will draw out your attachment – you will not be swayed. For adversities which will rouse your hostility – you will not be swayed. This would be subsumed into “When the Buddha comes, smash him. When the demons come, beat him away.” At this point, you are considered determined. Then you abide on this.


24A 26’52” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P269 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P99

日常师父法语📡24A 26’52” 手抄稿第3册P269 L8

修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法 : 什么叫做“决定”?




【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法】What is required before meditation? 修的之前要什么?


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