【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法】you might try to sustain your meditation by jumping to this and that object of meditation. “任遇所缘,即便修者”的结果

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【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 】- you might try to sustain your meditation by jumping to this and that object of meditation.

Not only it will be like so in the future, the immediate loss is not a big deal; there is another dreadful big issue [that will follow]!

【If you have made this a habit from the start, the virtuous practice of your whole lifetime will be flawed. 】

Once you form this habit in the beginning, what is this habit? A nonvirtuous habit. Later, this nonvirtuous habit becomes difficult to change. Even if your aspiration is virtuous, your wish is excellent, yet the effect will not arise. Hence, a life is wasted in this way, and “the virtuous practice of your whole lifetime will be flawed.” It’s all wronged! Here, it just refers to one of our lifetimes. In fact, there is another life after this, and then another one. If you don’t improve it now the habit will continue life after life. We may have doubts about this concept; this condition can be pointed out now.


24A 20’59” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P266 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P99

日常师父法语📡24A 20’59”手抄稿第3册P266 L7

修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法 : “任遇所缘,即便修者”的结果



你一开头养成功了这个习惯,这个是什么习惯? 恶习惯。下面的恶习惯改不过来,尽管你的发心是好的,你希望是好的,但是一点结果都没有,一生就这样地空过——“终生善行,悉成过失。”都是错的!这个地方只告诉我们一生,究实说起来,这个一生下面又一生,下面又一生,你如果这个地方不改过的话,它生生世世继续下去。在这一点也容或我们怀疑,我现在可以当下指出来这个情况。


【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法】The causes are from previous lives 宿生的因


【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法】You might try to sustain your meditation by jumping to this and that object of meditation (2) 任遇所缘,即便修者2