【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】Applying the Dharma physically and mentally to destroy our afflictions is turning the Dharma wheel 在自己的身心上摧破烦恼就是转法轮


【The Meditation Session - Preparation】- Applying the Dharma physically and mentally to destroy our afflictions is turning the Dharma wheel.

Because the Dharma realm is immeasurable and boundless, thus the beings that are attaining Buddhahood are immeasurable and boundless as well. This applies to our everyday situations, too. Even if you implore the Dharma Master to teach, this is also turning of the Dharma wheel! Because gradual attainment and gradual supplication, whether as a whole or in part, can be applied anytime and anywhere. This can even be done in relation to imploring yourself: if I am careless and idle here, this is degenerating the Dharma. Alas, at this juncture, if I properly apply the Dharma, wouldn’t this be turning of the Dharma wheel?

As long as you actually practice it – that should be right! What is the characteristic of the Dharma wheel? First, it is to destroy afflictions. That is, you can apply it physically and mentally to destroy afflictions. This is known as “turning.” Followed by turning it onto other sentient beings – to bring the Dharma to others’ physically and mentally – this is also “turning.” If you can apply it this way at the causal stage, in the end, you will become Buddha!


23B 10’29” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P240 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P97

日常师父法语📡23B 10’29”手抄稿第3册P240 LL5

修持轨理-加行 : 在自己的身心上摧破烦恼就是转法轮




【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】I supplicate with palms joined in prayer 请住世支


【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】 I implore all the protectors 劝请转发轮支