【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】The father should keep quiet for the son’s act and vice versa 父为子隐,子为父隐,直在其中


【The Meditation Session - Preparation】- The father should keep quiet for the son’s act and vice versa

This father stole a goat, what should be done? The son should keep quiet for the father. On the other hand, if the son steals a goat, the father should keep quiet for the son. Eh? We cannot figure out why. The reason I say this here is not for the purpose of tracing the deeper reasoning. It is to show that, whether one is a worldly saint or supramundane sage, this is their attitude. So, if you feel that you are better than Buddha or better than Confucius, and then you have it your way, which is fine. But if you feel that we are in the midst of ignorance then, sorry, with the above concept, put a question mark on it first. One doesn’t need to totally repudiate the idea right away, but analyze: well, why did [the sages and saints] do so, and why is it that I do it that way? If you analyze in this way, I believe the change in perception will arise. At this point, it does not involve confession yet - not looking deeper into it yet. In the future, when discussing confession, [we] will specifically emphasize and explain this clearly.

Honestly speaking, the reason I mention rejoicing is that, if you rejoice the worldly contaminated deeds, of course, non-virtue will increase. Whereas if you rejoice in purified deeds, the virtuous attitude is beyond words! In our Ten Great Aspirations, the easiest one to practice is the rejoicing of good qualities. However, we don’t rejoice good qualities but rejoice negative deeds. That is truly pitiful!


23B 00'10" Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P235 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P97

日常师父法语📡23B 00'10"手抄稿第3册P235 L1

修持轨理-加行 : 父为子隐,子为父隐,直在其中




【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】What is confession? 什么叫忏悔?


【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】Being a witness to indict someone 证人入罪