【 Benefits of relying on the teacher 亲近胜利】The faults of worn clothes 破衣之过
【Benefits of relying on the teacher】- The faults of worn clothes
【For the most part, we are in great danger of becoming like a worn animal skin. Just as when you drag a worn skin over the ground, debris sticks but gold coins do not, so it is that if you rely on teachers only occasionally their good qualities do not stick to you but each slight fault does. Therefore, to be successful, rely continuously on your teachers. 】
It says that we are like the faults of ragged clothes, what about the ragged clothes? When dragging worn clothes, a worn animal skin – normally our clothes are fine. But if the bottom is torn and dragging on the ground, wherever it is dragged it picks up debris and the mess will all be picked up. We are much better off now, with tiles on the ground that have been cleaned very well. If we were to go to the countryside, there is so much dirt on the ground and cow dung, what a mess. If you go there, these will stick to you. Instead of being stuck with good stuff, you will not be able to have good things stick to you. So our present state is the same, the good qualities of the virtuous teacher cannot stick to you whereas a tiny speck of fault easily contaminates you.
21A 27’23” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P158 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P89
日常师父法语📡21A 27’23”手抄稿第3册P158 L4
亲近胜利 : 破衣之过