【 Benefits of relying on the teacher 亲近胜利】Rely on these virtuous beings in a disciplined manner 以调伏理修善行
【Benefits of relying on the teacher】- Rely on these virtuous beings in a disciplined manner
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21A 21’20” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P155 LL6
“Rely on these virtuous beings in a disciplined manner.” What is a disciplined manner? Usually, we refer to it as ethical discipline, precepts. In a broader sense, it is all of Buddha Dharma. From a narrower perspective, it is precepts. Discipline from the broader perspective [i.e based on all Dharma teachings] starts from precepts. Why do we want to practice the teachings? Because our deeds are all contaminated, filled with non-virtue, and aligned to our tendencies – I want this, I like that, I have to have it, and this suits my taste. Pardon me, these are all contaminations, tainted tendencies. Now that you have a proper understanding, mindfully think: alas, this is not right! I am conforming to my previous views again. This is going along with my confusion – it is either an afflictive sentiment or an afflictive view. The afflictive view is my perception. The afflictive sentiment is attachment, anger, ignorance, pride, etc. Identify it properly, then tame it. This is known as discipline, also known as precepts or ethical discipline. The true application of precepts is this! So how do you know? How do you recognize it? Often we think, “of course”, we take it for granted [that we know]; how do you know that “I” is wrong? If you do not have the guidance of a virtuous teacher, it is not going to happen!
21A 21’20” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P155 LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P89
日常师父法语📡21A 21’20” 手抄稿第3册P155 LL6
亲近胜利 : 以调伏理修善行
“以调伏理修善行”。什么叫调伏理啊?平常我们说——戒,戒。你可以说广义地来说,所有的佛法;狭义的来说是戒,而这个广义的调伏是从戒开始的。我们为什么要修行啊?因为是烦恼杂染之行,都是恶的,随顺着我们自己,我想这个样、我欢喜那样、我要那样,这样才配我胃口。对不起,这个都是杂染、染污之法。现在你有正确的了解了,起心动念觉得:哎呀,不对呀!这个又随顺着我见,这个随顺着说我惑,或者思烦恼,或者见烦恼——见烦恼是我的见解如此,思烦恼是贪瞋痴慢等等。正确地认识,然后呢把它去克服,这个叫调伏,这个就是戒,这就是戒,戒的真正行相是这个!那么你怎么知道呢?你怎么知道这个? 平常我们说我们当然理所当然的,你怎么知道那个我不对呢?这个没有善知识的引导是绝无可能!