【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】Marpa looks for his teacher 马尔巴找老师
【 How to rely in practice 】- Marpa looks for his teacher
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20A 10’35” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P113 LL2
Venerable Marpa also sold all his belongings, traded them for gold, and went to search for his teacher. That teacher was Venerable Naropa, who was a contemporary of Venerable Atisha, and was one of Venerable Atisha’s gurus. At that time, Venerable Naropa had already passed away for many years, but Marpa didn’t care, he just wanted to find his teacher. Ah! Such a person with such attitude is admirable! Wherever he went, he asked: “Well, have you seen my teacher? Have you seen my teacher?” It was as though he was out of his mind. He was so absorbed that he neglected sleep and food. After many years of searching, he finally found [teacher Naropa]. Actually, a high achiever will never die. This is due to their accomplished causes and conditions! Now we [should know] that there are many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who are like this. And then, finally, [Naropa] transmitted a set of the great teachings to Marpa.
Therefore, if we are serious about studying Buddha Dharma, [we] ought to remember these biographies and make them our role models. That is when your eyes should turn upward, which is the right thing to do. I should always look up to and learn from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, to pattern after them. That is the right attitude!
20A 10’35” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P113 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P85
日常师父法语📡20A 10’35”手抄稿第3册P113 LL2
加行亲近轨理 : 马尔巴找老师
那马尔巴尊者也是把他所有的东西统统卖掉了,换成功金子去找他的老师。那个老师就是那洛巴尊者,那个那洛巴尊者,就是阿底峡尊者同时代的人,也是阿底峡尊者的老师之一。那时那洛巴尊者已经圆寂了很多年,但他不管,他要找他老师。啊!那这种人,这种精神可佩呀!他跑到什么地方去就问: “啊,你有没有看见我老师呀?有没有看见我老师呀?”就像疯掉了一样。他废寝忘食地这个样,找了多少年——欸,找到了!其实真正成就的人不会死的,就是这个完成的因缘呀!现在我们看很多佛菩萨都是这个样,然后把最后那个大法传给他。