【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】Blissful merits must be accumulated first 先集福资粮


【 How to rely in practice  】- Blissful merits must be accumulated first

Because of your accumulation of merits, well, once merits are collected, you will have accomplishments, just like that. At the present stage, our practice is indeed short of merits, alas! Obstacles are everywhere. Once you have built up your collection of merit, you will get everything else. That is when things will work your way. Thus, that is why the blissful merits must be accumulated first. This may not apply to Hinayana practitioners. But for Mahayana practitioners, this is very important, too important! So, we will not discuss it for now. Let’s continue:

Furthermore, Lak-so-wa (Lag-sor-ba) said: 】

This virtuous teacher is telling us:

If you offer what is bad while possessing what is good, you ruin your pledge. 】

These Tantric precepts are very serious! You need to offer to the guru, as well as give the best to him. If you keep the best stuff for yourself and offer inferior things, this is wrong, a transgression! Offer him the best, and if he does not want it or if he delights in something else, then there is no transgression.

If the guru is pleased with this or you have nothing other than what is bad, then there is no fault. 】

However, if the guru is pleased with the inferior things, then you should abide by his will. Or, you don’t have any good things, only the inferior things, and then there is no fault.


20A 04’28” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P109 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P85

日常师父法语📡20A 04’28”手抄稿第3册P109 LL5

加行亲近轨理 : 先集福资粮

由于你集了这个资粮,欸,那个资粮有了,你就成就了,就是这样。现在我们修习的确是没有资粮,哎呀! 碰到处处地方障碍。你有了资粮,你要什么东西样样都有,那个时候就行了。所以说为什么先集福资粮,这个也有道理,小乘可以不一定,大乘这个东西是非常重要,非常重要、非常重要!那么我们现在暂时这个按下不谈。









【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】The best offering 最好的供养


【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】Totally out of it 一窍不通