【 Benefits of relying on the teacher 亲近胜利】 The reason for all the provisional and ultimate achievements 眼前与究竟全部成就的原因
【Benefits of relying on the teacher】- The reason for all the provisional and ultimate achievements
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20B 08’11” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P131 LL3
Thus, due to your mindfulness, your action will naturally be purifying affliction and accumulating merits. Thus, this is about “increase.” Because you cleared away afflictions and accumulated merits, the affects you will reap – both provisional and final – are constantly increasing. Achieving them one by one, “you will reach all of your provisional and final goals.” Such abundant benefits, many advantages! It does not necessarily mean that you must wait until ultimate achievement, the provisional benefit is immediate – the benefit starts now.
【after obtaining virtue through serving and respecting the teacher with thought and practice, you will accomplish others’ welfare, as well as your own, and complete the collections of merit and sublime wisdom. 】
Ah! By doing this, both your thoughts and actions will be benefited, and they are all virtuous. Thus, under these conditions, your aspiration is to benefit the self and others. To do so, we are engaging in accumulating the provisional merits now. Once the favorable conditions are fulfilled, the future effects will naturally be favorable and can be perfected, such great advantage!
20B 08’11” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P131 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P87
日常师父法语📡20B 08’11”手抄稿第3册P131 LL3
亲近胜利 : 眼前与究竟全部成就的原因