【Remembering the Teacher’s Kindness 念恩 】I have wandered for a long time through cyclic existence, and they search for me 驰骋生死寻觅我者
【Remembering the Teacher’s Kindness】- I have wandered for a long time through cyclic existence, and they search for me
【The Ten Teaching Sūtra says:
Develop the following ideas with respect to your teachers. I have wandered for a long time through cyclic existence, and they search for me; 】
We have been in the long dark night of ignorance, continuously wandering in cyclic existence, who comes to search for us? The virtuous teacher.
【I have been asleep, having been obscured by delusion for a long time, and they wake me;】
We have always been obscured by this long dark night of ignorance; it is the virtuous teacher who comes to wake me up.
【they pull me out of the depths of the ocean of existence;】
We have been drifting up and down in the ocean of cyclic existence, and they come to save us.
【I have entered a bad path, and they reveal the good path to me; they release me from being bound in the prison of existence; I have been worn out by illness for a long time, and they are my doctors; they are the rain clouds that put out my blazing fire of attachment and the like.】
Think of it this way: Ah! There is no exception – all benefits and advantages come from virtuous teacher. This kindness is incredible, immeasurable and boundless! In what manner did the virtuous teacher benefit you with his kindness? By explaining the proper teachings to you; for this reason, even if it is a verse of four lines, as long as you hear it and apply accordingly, then the benefit is yours.
19B 00’47” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P89 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P83
日常师父法语📡19B 00’47”手抄稿第3册P89 L5
念恩 : 驰骋生死寻觅我者