【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】Purify our mental cognition 他使我成就佛果


【 How to rely in practice  】- Purify our mental cognition

He studied abroad and his perspectives were so lofty, [consequently] his parents were like country bumpkins who knew nothing. When they spoke, they were so unsophisticated, well, well, well! Such was their behavior. Now, we can look at this person and make fun of him. In fact, we should look within to reflect upon ourselves. Here, we have gained a lot of knowledge, which is similar [to this person]! Isn’t it so? Thus, this is what we truly need to reflect on.

First, if we think about it, we [monastics] should appreciate the master who ordained us! With this mental attitude, marvelous things will follow! Gradually, gradually everyone becomes your benefactor, even those who stared at you today and scolded you. You will think: “Well! Amitabha Buddha! This person helps train my patience; he is enabling me to attain my Buddhahood!” Isn’t it so? Since you want to become a Buddha and are grateful to Buddha, now this person comes along to help you achieve your generosity, patience, and joyous perseverance. How can you not appreciate him? He is helping you to train and enabling you to attain Buddhahood!


20A 00’14”  Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P107 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P85

日常师父法语📡20A 00’14” 手抄稿第3册P107 L1

加行亲近轨理 : 他使我成就佛果


第一件事情呢,如果我们想到的话,就感激自己的剃度恩师啊!然后你能够这样想的话,妙了!慢慢、慢慢地什么人都是你的恩人,乃至于这个人今天瞪你一眼,骂你一言,你就觉得:“哎呀! 阿弥陀佛!他成就我的忍辱,他使我成佛啊!”不是吗?既然你要想成佛而感激佛,现在这个人来成就你的布施,成就你的忍辱,成就你的精进,你怎么不感激他呢?同样地成就你,使你成就佛呀!


【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】the more we learn, the more people would become afraid of us 越学越令人害怕


【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】Benefits from remembering and appreciating 感念功德