【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 修持轨理 - 未修中间】Appropriate diet – Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions 2 饮食知量-非染污心中量食2


【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 】- Appropriate diet – Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions 2

So there was a long period of time for me, at the end of my morning session followed by an important practice. What is this morning practice? To reflect on the faults of food and my reason for being here, to mindfully review it. Afterwards, sit there and thoroughly contemplate on it, very carefully think through it. Sometimes, I would just quickly go over them because, well, the kitchen is waiting for me [to do chores]. Then [this practice] wouldn’t be effective. But there were times when I would go through it and think about it, I felt quite peaceful, and it was quite clear and delightful. Regardless of whether I reflected quickly or slowly, the mind focused on the subject, and I went to the kitchen with certainty. Well! It worked right away, and this was absolutely effective. Once it took effect, then I tried to put the best foods there. Ah! Normally when I saw them, the intention was to keep them for myself. But, at that time, the mentality was different – such delicious food, give it away or donate it! Then I gave away the best food to the birds. If the birds wouldn’t eat it, gave it to the ants. If the ants wouldn’t eat it, I would say, “To perfect my spirit of generosity, even if it had to be thrown in the trashcan, I won’t eat it!” After this was all done, the feeling was very pleased, I had never been this happy before. Because I felt that I have tried for more than a decade and could not tame [this attachment to certain foods]. Well, with just such a simple method it is achieved! 


26A 20’43” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P55 L1

English Lamrim Vol 1 P105

日常师父法语📡26A 20’43” 手抄稿第4册P55 L1

修持轨理 - 未修中间 : 饮食知量-非染污心中量食2

所以我有很长一段时候,这个早课作完了,下面的有一段重要地作,早课作什么呢﹖就是把那饮食的过患,以及我所以跑到这里来的目的干什么,把它念一下,念了以后坐在那边细细、细细地想。有的时候念的时候匆匆忙忙念过了,因为唉哟,这个厨房等着我,那一定没有效。有的时候念的时候就心情很宁静,自己感觉得很清楚,然后呢很欢喜。不管念得快、念得慢,心里就缘想这件事情,很稳地跑到厨房里面去。欸!马上有效,千真万确地。然后有效了,我就试,把最好的东西摆在那里。啊!平常看见啦,总归是想办法占为己有,那时候心里面就会不一样——那这么好的东西,布施,布施! (手抄稿修订参考表--原手抄稿用字:

不是,不是】改为【布施,布施】 )

然后,我就把最好的那东西去布施给鸟吃,鸟要不吃,给蚂蚁吃,蚂蚁不吃,我说:“成就我的舍心,丢到垃圾桶里我也不吃它!” 做完了,好欢喜,我从来没有欢喜过。因为我觉得,我花了十几年功夫挡不住的,欸,就这么简单的一个方法挡住了!


【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 修持轨理 - 未修中间】Appropriate diet – Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions (3) 饮食知量-非染污心中量食3


【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 修持轨理 - 未修中间】Appropriate diet – Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions 1 饮食知量-非染污心中量食1