【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 修持轨理 - 未修中间】Appropriate Diet – Not eating too little 6 饮食知量-非太减少6
【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 】- Appropriate Diet – Not eating too little 6
How old is my mother this year? I think my mother is 86 or 87, when I went back to see her, she didn’t even have any teeth left. [I] tried to fix some vegetables for her, but she didn’t want it. She just ate fermented soybean curd every day. I said how could that be? Well, that works perfectly fine! I have also told you my own experience. Thus, what is most important for us now is the afflictive view, a belief in the supremacy of wrong views [v.1 p.299]. Before you even start, you feel, “Alas, there isn’t enough nutrition!” Then, truly the nutrition will be deficient. Why? For we are tumbling in the cycle of ignorant state of consciousness and are dominated by these [afflictions]. Just like usually when you see two people talking, it has nothing to do with you. Yet you might think: “These two guys are talking about me!” Your mind is filled with afflictions, but they have nothing to do with you yet you are afflicted! I believe we all have this experience. Now, before we eat, we already have the pre-occupied feeling: ah, there isn’t enough nutrition today! Certainly, if the nutrition is not sufficient, it will affect your emotions. Nowadays, those learning Buddha Dharma are so inverted, claiming that they are applying the teaching, what kind application is it!
26A 15’53” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P51 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P105
日常师父法语📡26A 15’53” 手抄稿第4册P51 L6
修持轨理 - 未修中间 : 饮食知量-非太减少6
我母亲今年多少?今年我母亲是八十六不晓得八十七了,那以前我回去的时候,她牙齿也没有了,偶尔给她弄点菜她不要,吃点豆腐乳,天天这样,我说怎么行啊?欸,来得个好耶!我自己的经验我也告诉过你们,所以啊,现在我们真正重要的——见烦恼,见取见,你还没弄就觉得:哎呀,营养不够! 那的确地营养就是不够。为什么啊?我们在无明的意识当中轮转,你就是会受这个东西的支配。就好像平常说,你看见这两个人说话,好端端地跟你无关紧要,你想:这两个家伙在那儿说我! 你就心里烦恼得要命,他跟你了不相干哪,你就烦恼了! 我想我们每个人都有这个经验。现在我们还没吃,先就觉得:唉,今天营养不够了!的确,那个营养就是不够,会影响你的心情。现在修学佛法的人这样颠倒,说修行,修什么行!