【Cultivation of Faith 修信 】 pay attention to the good qualities (of the guru) 令心执取功德品
【Cultivation of Faith】- pay attention to the good qualities (of the guru)
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18B 08’04” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P62 L3
【Moreover, pay attention to the good qualities that the guru does have ― such as ethical discipline, learnedness, and faith ― and reflect on these qualities. 】
I will share with you a method that I have constantly done from the past up to now. If he [the teacher] has many flaws, yes it is true, what about me? Ha, not a bit less! Then why bother looking at others. Conversely, when we look at his good qualities, whatever he has that I am short of. Then you are on the right track! This should be the approach. Thus, you always have to see from this perspective, try to direct the mind toward looking at his merits and learn from him.
【Once you have become conditioned to this, you may notice that your guru has a small number of faults. However, this does not impede your faith because you are focusing on the good qualities. 】
If you can practice in this manner, even if there are any flaws – even if this teacher has some small speck of fault – because you only focus on his good qualities, you will not be obstructed – you would not have obstacles [learning from him]. Next, there is an example:
【For instance, although you see that there may be many good qualities in people whom you dislike, your strong perception of their faults overwhelms any perception of their good qualities. Likewise, you might notice many faults in yourself, yet, if the perception of your good qualities is very strong, it overwhelms any perception of your faults. 】
For instance, for things that are not to your liking, even though they may have many benefits, because of your intense dislike, their benefits are blocked and [you are] unable to tolerate it. We can use an example or an analogy: when a child takes medicine, the medicine is definitely good for him. However, when he sees it, well, it is too bitter! He dislikes the bitterness, no matter how great the medicine is, he just won’t take it, this is the case.
18B 08’04” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P62 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P81
日常师父法语📡18B 08’04” 手抄稿第3册P62 L3
修信 : 令心执取功德品
【譬如自于所不乐品,虽见具有众多功德,然由见过心势猛故,而能映蔽见德之心。又如于自虽见众过,若见自身一种功德,心势猛利,此亦能蔽见过之心。 】