【Relying on the Teacher 依师】tame your mind first 在身心上自我调伏
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- tame your mind first
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14A 23’31” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P195 L5
[Therefore, gurus who intend to discipline others’ minds must first have disciplined their own.]
You have to tame your mind first; that is why we seriously need to study Buddha Dharma – it is to discipline the self.
The other name for discipline is “sila” or “precepts.” This is why, after our ordination, we must rely on virtuous teachers immediately – to learn discipline or precepts. Well, this is clear! This is not to say that I am ordained, so I rely on a teacher to show me how to put on the robe and how to play the Dharma instruments. Of course these are required, for you still need to build the image! However, if it is only about this, then it is wrong. There is a worldly term, “sheer impressive appearance,” which is something lacking substance, just like [an embroidered pillow case stuffed with materials of inferior quality]. If you attained the essence within, the appearance is absolutely important – this is how the internal and external complement each other. Thus, it does not mean that the appearance is not needed; it is to hold on [to the essence]. On the contrary, if you don’t grasp the essence within and just work on the cosmetic appearance, then you will deviate further and further. And even, in the end, it could turn into an obstacle for you.
14A 23’31” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P195 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P71
日常师父法语📡14A 23’31” 手抄稿第2册P195 L5
依师 : 在身心上自我调伏