【Relying on the Teacher 依师】the excellent teacher is the source of all temporary happiness and certain goodness 一切善乐的根本阙为善知识


【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- the excellent teacher is the source of all temporary happiness and certain goodness


[Thus, the excellent teacher is the source of all temporary happiness and certain goodness, beginning with the production of a single good quality and the reduction of a single fault in a student’s mind and eventually encompassing all the knowledge beyond that.]

In order for us students to receive physical and mental benefits, regardless of how small this benefit is, at the very least – from the aspect of good quality – there is accumulation of merits. And, with respect to reducing faults: it is to eradicate obstacles and remove flaws – even at a bare minimum; it all relies on excellent teachers! And what does this mean? They are the source of all temporary happiness and certain goodness. I can sincerely sense it right now!

14A 12’48” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P188 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P70

日常师父法语📡14A 12’48” 手抄稿第2册P188 L6

依师 : 一切善乐的根本阙为善知识

【能令学者相续之中,下至发起一德,损减一过者,厥为善知识。 】

能够使我们学的人身心当中啊,得到好处的,而这个好处再微小,哪怕最起码的一点点——从功德方面来说,集聚功德; 从减过方面断德方面来说,就净除罪障,消除过失——最起码的一点点,都靠善知识,都靠善知识!而这个是什么? 这个就是一切善乐的根本。这我现在千真万确地体会到!


【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Developing faith is not dependent on physical distance 修信不在身的距离


【Relying on the Teacher 依师】How do we follow the footsteps of the lineage masters 如何跟上圣者脚步