BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【Relying on the Teacher 依师】There is only one requirement in studying Buddha Dharma 要学佛法只有一件事

【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- There is only one requirement in studying Buddha Dharma

Of all the personal instructions – if we were to compile the entire essence of Buddha’s teachings – in other words, what is the essence of the essence? It is just one statement: never be apart from the excellent teacher.

For us, we usually hold the Array of Stalks Sutra in esteem. The Array of Stalks Sutra also says: in order for you to achieve omniscience, study Buddha Dharma. There is only one requirement: rely on excellent teachers and never forsake them.

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14A 11'16"~11'55" Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P187 LL6 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse


14A 11'16"~11'55" Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P187 LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P70

日常师父法语📡14A 11'16"~11'55" 手抄稿第2册P187 LL6

依师 : 要学佛法只有一件事

总摄一切教授的首,把所有的这个佛陀的教诫的精要积聚起来,这个里边的头,换句话说,这是纲要里边的纲要,纲要里边的纲要。 什么呀? 一句话——不离善知识。
