【Explaining 讲说】Five ideas in explain the teachings 讲说轨理之五想
【Explaining 】- Five ideas in explain the teachings
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12B 18’40” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P137 L1
Now, explaining the teaching to others the [speaker] is the doctor, instead of the thought of being sick. This is for the doctor to heal others’ illnesses.
【think of yourself as a doctor, 】
This is the first idea, [consider] oneself as the doctor. Because I am the doctor, so prior to starting the doctor’s work, first ask yourself: “am I a quack or truly endowed with the ability to cure others?” This is the first important task. And then,
【the teachings as medicine, 】
If I am truly a doctor, then the prescription should cure others. Otherwise, the prescription will not necessarily help. This is very important. Therefore, true Buddha Dharma should liberate others – Dharma is the medicine.
【those listening to the teachings as sick persons, and the tathagatas as excellent beings, and wish that the teachings remain for a long time. 】
These are the same [as the six ideas].
【Cultivate love for those who have gathered to listen. 】
Other than this, [the attitude] toward the disciples, who are listening and learning,
Why are you explaining [the teaching] to [the listeners]? It is not for honor, fame, or profit, not for these. It is for the purpose of rescuing him with compassionate love.
12B 18’40” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P137 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P64
日常师父法语📡12B 18’40” 手抄稿第2册P137 L1
讲说 :讲说轨理之五想
【修习慈心。 】