【Explaining 讲说】 impart the teachings without concern for worldly things 不顾利养而说法


【Explaining 】- impart the teachings without concern for worldly things

【Contemplating the benefits of explaining the teaching

It is very beneficial to impart the teachings without concern for worldly things - profit, honor, fame, and the like. 】

The benefits from imparting the teachings are extraordinarily great, but what must be required? Well, in spite of these [worldly things]. If your concern is profit, honor, fame, or the like, then these afflictions are considered contaminated – teaching with impure motivation, this should be avoided, don’t do it this way! However, this is easier said than done. What is truly important is that we should use this teaching to examine ourselves within. If you do not examine [yourself], the recognition will not arise. Without introspection [you] will not recognize [the contamination]. We always think: alas, I am a Venerable and [I] have to salvage others. Actually … the intention is good. But the real issue is the mental intent – unable to distinguish contamination from purification, cannot tell them apart. Once you can distinguish between them, then it is evident and clear. When a thought arises in the mind, you would recognize, well, identify which one is most important. By then, if you are able to practice accordingly, the merits will be sublime, extraordinary merits, and inconceivably auspicious!


12B 10’08” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse  P131 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P63

日常师父法语📡12B 10’08” 手抄稿第2册 P131 LL2

讲说 : 不顾利养而说法

【 若不顾虑利养恭敬名等染事,而说法者胜利极大。 】

这个说法的殊胜利益非常大,但是必须要什么? 欸,不顾这个。如果说你为了利养恭敬、名闻等等的话,这种染污这叫不净说法,这个事情做不得,这个事情做不得!不过这一点,说起来容易,做到倒不大容易。而真正重要的,就是我们必定要先必定要拿这个法来自己观照自心,你不观照不会认识的,不观照不会认识的。我们总觉得:哎呀!我还是法师咧,还是去度人呢,这样。的的确确也未尝.......不错,是一番好心。他真正的问题就是自己的内心哪,染污、清净的行相辨不清楚,辨不清楚。你辨清楚了,到那时候很清楚、很明白,心里一个念头起来,你就晓得了,欸,它是什么,那个才是最最重要的。那个时候你能够去做的话,那有殊胜功德,殊胜功德,不得了地殊胜!


【Explaining 讲说】The teaching is all Buddhas’ instruction to accommodate various capacities 法是诸佛应机宣说的教诫


【Explaining 讲说】 Why explain the teaching 为何要讲说?