【Listening 听闻】 Seeing others are good, I take no part in it 看别人好,没有我的份


【LISTENING】– Seeing others are good, I take no part in it 

Like an actor before an audience watching a show
Or like describing the good qualities of someone else who is a hero,
You fall from earnest practice yourself – 
Such are the faults of delighting in just the words. 】

Like when we go to a show, what is there to watch in the theater? Well, watching those people fighting on the stage, “Wow, great!” We watch others, cheer, and applaud. For yourself, you take no part in it, none! No part of it! You have to apply it! This is the proper approach! So, again and again, this demonstrates that we are all at the superficial level of language and words. Alas, at this moment we are truly pathetic, very pitiful! I was like that. Later, I met many fellow practitioners and often thought: “Alas, this I know and I understand it all. Well, [I have] studied for years.” The effect of several years of study turns out to still be outside of the door [with respect to the teachings]. And even contrarily claiming that study is no use. Alas, it is truly pathetic and ridiculous! The issue is right here. Granted that the understanding is there, but [if the practitioner] does not practice accordingly, then the application is still not there, it is still of no use! To use our present state as an example, we often think that applying the teachings and the tenet instructions are two different things.


12A 08’55” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P114 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P62

日常师父法语📡12A 08’55” 手抄稿第2册P114 L4

听闻 :看别人好,没有我的份




【Listening 听闻】Like eating the sugarcane husk 如嚼甘蔗皮


【Listening 听闻】actual application vs "wild engagement" 如实修与行放逸