【Listening 听闻】Example of listening: messenger in the military 以传令兵喻听闻
【LISTENING】– Example of listening: messenger in the military
[When we] talk about it, hearing is very easy. Actually, just recently, I realized that listening is not easy. I heard about this story and I later encountered it, too. It was said that, in the past, messengers in the military – [when they] didn’t have the convenience of modern phones or telegraphs – so if there was an order, the messenger was called. Relaying the order was very interesting. In front of the commander, [the messenger had to] repeat after the commander once, and then the messenger was asked, “You repeat it again!” Just like that. We hear this and find it strange – does such simple statements need to be repeated? Well, yes, it is required, and once was not enough; it usually had to be repeated twice. At that time, I thought it was strange. Later, I tried it myself and heard about this from others, and now, even telling others, you all can give it a try, try it. Yesterday, some minor thing happened. Years ago, I remember there was a fellow classmate who I told something, and he [replied] – “I know, got it!” Then, he was asked to repeat what I said in simple terms. He took a long time and mumbled for a long time, but it was far from correct.
11B 24’00” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P104 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P61
日常师父法语📡11B 24’00”手抄稿第2册P104 LL4
听闻 : 以传令兵喻听闻