【Listening 听闻】Can one or two doses of medicine cure the leprosy disease? 一两剂药能治痲疯病吗?

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【LISTENING】– Can one or two doses of medicine  cure the leprosy disease?

【Moreover, one or two doses of medicine will not do anything at all for lepers who have lost their hands and feet.】

So we have practiced, but is mere application enough? It is not sufficient. Thus, the previous section advised us to engage in practice earnestly. What is considered earnest? Well, very seriously and sincerely. Why do we need to be so sincere? It is because since beginningless time, we have been in the long dark nights with the illness of ignorance, just as though we were seriously stricken with leprosy. This “skin disease” is leprosy! Once infected with leprosy, alas, the hands, feet, nose, ears, or any other parts will fall off. If stricken with such a serious disease, and you take just one or two doses of medicine, the effect will not arise. It will be totally ineffective.  Therefore, the author continues:

【Similarly, to put the meaning of the instructions into practice just once or twice is insufficient for us whom from beginningless time have been stricken with the virulent illness of the afflictions. Therefore, analyze with discerning wisdom the entirety of every aspect of the path and make effort that is like a river’s current. 】

From beginningless time, we have been stricken with the virulent illness of affliction. Although we now receive these complete teachings and understand the true intent imparted by the Buddha, and you are able to practice, just once or twice is insufficient. But, suppose we do not even know [the teaching which is to be applied], then we would not even need to discuss this, no need to talk about it! Thus, honestly speaking, what should we do? “Analyze with discerning wisdom the entirety of every aspect of the path” – to completely understand the entire content, recognize everything, and then apply accordingly.


11B 06’24” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P95 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P60

日常师父法语📡11B 06’24”手抄稿第2册P95 L1

听闻 : 一两剂药能治痲疯病吗?






【Listening 听闻】Analyze with discerning wisdom 以观察慧而正思维


【Listening 听闻】The many obstacles in applying the teachings 我修行的重重难关